Baron Des Cleans Vin Rouge

Baron Des Cleans Vin Rouge

Royally bold in a deep confidence, it doesn’t pose. Nothing pungent about it nor any need for attention. Light as feathers, but an impression of weight so grand it begs question of legend and origin. Medium tannin and unusually filling, though it needs a steak cheese melt, and don’t hold the mustard.

Grand Louis 2016 Red Wine

Grand Louis 2016 Red WineLight and plump with deep purple afterthoughts of our liquid yesterdays at a rouge angle. Deliciously taken with peppered, garlic and ginger -fried Australian beef under Colby Jack with a side of kimchi.

Yellow TailⓇ Cabernet Sauvignon

Yellow TailⓇ Cabernet Sauvignon

Painfully inviting and stinging. A spicy vibrance from Down Under, it stings the tongue and refuses to be ignored. Taken with steak, colby jack, kimchi, and eggs—and that still wasn’t enough for it to eat right through.

Chapelle Saint Antoine Languedoc

Chapelle Saint Antoine LanguedocFully wet and yet airy.  Somewhat tannic and somewhat juicily fruity—not too much, but just enough to work with food or without. This needs a part deux.

Taken with a Taiwanese pancake, heavily dosed with black pepper, skillet-fried cheddar cheese, kimchi, and inner omelet.