Dornfelder Rotwein Pfalz 2020

Dornfelder Rotwein Pfalz 2020

The nose of this elegant German wine pleads, “Party richly!” The mind expects caviar hors ‘d’oeuvres around the corner with a triple choice in the table’s bottomless bread basket. Soaking wet as fresh stomped grape juice, yet flaunting a tannic finish that slices up the center of your tongue to the tip, this thick red will lead you to a dream land even in your dreams. Unregrettingly taken with fresh ginger fried orange banana pepper chicken breast. It didn’t matter that I’d done the chicken a little dry because this party bottle more than made up for it.

Domaine De L’Ostal Estibals Minervois 2017

Domaine De L'Ostal Estibals Minervois 2017

It stings the palate with near effervescent raspberry and grape. One of the only wines with a flair of fresh grapeā€”but only if you can taste deep enough. It sings hard to the nose just the same, tannic and dry to the tongue, clearing to the sinuses. Taken with East and Italian -seasoned chicken breast.

Casillero del Diablo Cabernet Sauvignon: Chile 2018

Casillero del Diablo Cabernet Sauvignon: Chile 2018Mid tannin leaning past effervescence. Sweeter than oaky, calmly clad in both. In a word: sparkle. Taken with spicy soy sauce rosemary steak, avocado, and cheddar. The steak went down mixed as appreciated from a cabernet sauvignon. The cheddar was richly cloaked enough to bring out its toasted best. But oh! This delight made the avocado taste ten times greener! What miracle hath Chile wrought?

Gran Vega Vino Tinto

Gran Vega Vino TintoThe tint of red is nearer to aged pomegranate than fresh cherry. The distance from magenta tones was noted even more than the stark bouquet of succulent smells. Just the mouth feel is filling beyond any words and most wines. Just enough acid for cheese, not too much for the fruit. Taken with garden fresh tomatoes and muenster cheese by the slice.